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What is a Shamanic Healing

Writer's picture: Joanna GoreJoanna Gore

A Shamanic Healing is when a shamanic practitioner/shaman, journeys/travels out of body into non-ordinary reality to seek healing and/or guidance from the spirits and /or ancestors.

At the Shamanic Sanctuary we offer one to one shamanic healings, small group work, and ceremony, a place to integrate healing, process, contemplate and recover, a warm welcome and a deep connection with our beautiful natural world. Joanna can also come to you to help with transition work or if you wish to work in a specific place close to your heart or work remotely.

Although there are some general healings listed below, all healings are done with your spirit guides and so what healing you require is always specific to you.

Transform you life, find your true self...

Soul Retrieval…

Your Soul is your vital essence, your true and complete self. Soul loss is a survival mechanism where part of your soul dissociates due to a traumatic incident. You may “feel like my heart was torn from me”, “feel I’ve lost some part of me”, ‘Post Traumatic Stress Disorder’ is considered to be soul loss. Addictions are also indicative of soul loss where a person seeks to find their soul but mistakenly tries to fill the void with other things such as sex, drugs, chocolate, nicotine, shopping etc. Joanna will travel to the spirit world/ non-ordinary reality, seek and find lost souls of yours who are ready and willing to return. She will delicately and compassionately collect and help the soul who is waiting to be returned to you and restore that true essence, integrate the soul/true essence back to you, where it belongs. Joanna will also ask for information as to why the soul left and what gifts, strengths or talents the soul is bringing back. She will also ask spirit for you for any other information or guidance and relate the ‘healing journey’ to you.

Dis-ease object intrusion/Extraction or other Power loss...

Illness/Dis-ease is due to loss (power or soul loss). When something is lost it leaves a space or vacuum in your energy body, as nature usually fills a vacuum, something will often come in and take its place causing blockages or illness and disease such as joint pain, heart problems, organ cancer. Disease objects can also sit in chakras. The blockage/object is usually caused by your or other’s negative thought patterns, sometimes lack of expressing negative emotion, holding it inward instead. These negative thought patterns become disease object intrusion (or in some cases can be a spirit attachment or possession).

Joanna will work with a particular spirit guide, using a sacred eye and hand, firstly to see the intrusion and then remove, clear out or sometimes suck out the intrusion and safely dispose of it, sending it back to source where is dissipates, leaving you free of that intrusion. She will then replace it with some power or energy, sometimes a returned soul, as above depending what is offered by spirit to help replenish that lost energy.

Space clearing...

Do you feel uncomfortable in your home, place of work? are there 'things' you see, hear or sense? Joanna can clear spaces to compassionately move lost souls to their rightful place leaving your home at peace and for you to enjoy.

Transition Work/Death/Dying...

Joanna can help people and animals close too or dying, to transition from this world to the next, with strong support and with love and compassion, calling in your ancestors family and friends to help the process. Holding you close every step of the way, helping you deal with your loss while celebrating their continued journey.


Sometimes for many different reasons some people who die do not transition to their rightful place and so stay in the 'Middle world' where living people also reside. Some are lost, do not know they have died, some due to trauma and tragic or confusion at death, some stay to be near loved ones, some stay to help others. Most would prefer to transition and some cause discomfort for those they are around. Shamanic practitioners can gently and lovingly help them to transition, this is called psychopomp.

Spirit Possession and Sorcery…

Joanna can help with cases of Spirit possession and Sorcery, please contact her for further information and clarification of these healings.

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